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Halloween Fingerprint Art

Our Fingerprint Art post was so popular we thought we'd share a few more just in time for Halloween. First up are our two sneaky witches. All you need is a green thumbprint topped with a green fingerprint. Wait for those to dry and add your details! Don't forget that witches like brooms and always have pointy noses, he he he! Mr Bones- He's easy to make! Choose any color you wish (I liked the bright orange) and make his torso with your thumb. Add the skeleton shaped face with a horizontal fingerprint followed by a vertical fingerprint. Wait for Mr. Bones to dry and add details to him to finish him off. Frank the Frankenstein Using a blue ink dip your thumb in and make your body. Use your thumb again in green for the head. Use your pinky finger for the arms and legs of Frank. Add a few details: a stitch on the forehead and some bolts for his head too! Monsters- Monsters are fun because you can make them any way you want. I chose to make a blue and red one. Add funny features to … [Read more...]

Pasta Skeleton Craft – Pinned it, Did it!

When I saw this skeleton idea on Pinterest I just knew I had to do it with my girls.  What a fun way to teach them about the bones of the body and celebrate Halloween! I did some Googling and figured out you could be as crazy detailed as you want, or as simple as you want.  We chose to be fairly simple but Nutty wanted a little more detail than Tottie did. To make your own pasta skeleton you'll need: Different kinds of pasta Paper Glue That's it!  I'd tell you the exact kinds of pasta you need but that is really dependent on how detailed you want to get.  We used Penne, small elbow, medium shells, and thin spaghetti. Both girls had fun making these skeletons and Nutty had fun "adding more bones" than Tottie had.  She learned about the tibia, fibula, ulna, and radius that Tottie did not put in her skeleton. All-in-all I'd say that this Pinned it, Did it! was a success as it got my girls interested in learning more about our bones. What have you made with … [Read more...]

How to make Flower Fairies

Do you have access to different flowers, petals, and leaves? Then this is the project for you! Gather up many nature objects around the yard as you can (flowers, ferns, leaves and twigs). On a piece of cardstock paper or construction paper help your child create flower fairies with glue, markers, crayons and their nature finds! It's really easy to do and so much fun! … [Read more...]

Make a Pinhole Suncatcher

Want to make some really neat sun-catchers? Here is what you will need to gather before you start: sharpened pencil or marker a thumb tack thread scissors card stock paper thick cardboard, also known as corrugated cardboard Draw out the shape you want on a piece of card stock paper.  Use the scissors to cut that shape out. Using your pencil lightly draw out the shapes you want your dots to be in on the back of your paper. Place your shape on the cardboard and use your thumb tack to push along the lines of the design. Attach a string to the back side and hang from the window.   … [Read more...]

Pipe Cleaner Firework Painting

Last week Tottie and I brought you hand print firework painting.  This week, Nutty and I bring you Pipe Cleaner Firework Painting!  Yes, we're all about celebrating the 4th of July at my house! Nutty had a ton of fun making these despite the fact that she doesn't like getting messy lately. To make your own, you'll need: Paint 4-5 Pipe cleaners Black construction paper Paper plates Scissors (optional) Glitter (optional) 1)  If you are only making "one color" of firework like we did, fold 4 pipe cleaners in half and twist the together at the folded edge about half-way up.  If you are making "more than one color" firework or have more than one child painting, cut 5 pipe cleaners in half and then twist them together about half-way up. 2)  Spread the untwisted ends apart equally. 3)  Pour paint on paper plates making sure to spread the paint around the plate and not leave it in the middle. 4)  Dip the pipe cleaners in the paint on the plates using the … [Read more...]

Handprint Fireworks

Yes, it's time to start thinking 4th of July.  After all, it's only a little over 2 weeks away!  Where has this summer gone already?! Tottie and I started our 4th of July crafts by making hand print fireworks.  She had a ton of fun making them and I had fun watching her do it! She can't wait to see the real fireworks now! To make your own hand print fireworks, you'll need: Black construction paper Finger paints Glitter (optional) Glitter glue (optional) Paint brushes Start by having your child paint their hand however they want.  We used red, white, and blue because it's patriotic but you can use whatever colors you want.  Fireworks come in all kinds of colors.  Just have fun! Then help press your child's hand onto the black paper.  Make sure to keep the fingers spread because that's the "squiggles" of the fireworks. Once you have a bunch of hand prints and finger prints on the paper, and before the paint is dry, sprinkle glitter over the hand … [Read more...]