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Make a Pinhole Suncatcher

pinhole suncatcher, sun catcher, how to make a sun catcherWant to make some really neat sun-catchers? Here is what you will need to gather before you start:

  • sharpened pencil or marker
  • a thumb tack
  • thread
  • scissors
  • card stock paper
  • thick cardboard, also known as corrugated cardboard

suncatcher, sun catcher, how to make a sun catcher

Draw out the shape you want on a piece of card stock paper.  Use the scissors to cut that shape out.

suncatcher, sun catcher, how to make a sun catcher

Using your pencil lightly draw out the shapes you want your dots to be in on the back of your paper.

Place your shape on the cardboard and use your thumb tack to push along the lines of the design.suncatcher, sun catcher, how to make a sun catcher

Attach a string to the back side and hang from the window.