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What I REALLY Want For Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is this coming Sunday and I'm sure you've seen all kinds of posts about what moms want for their special holiday. I made a funny infographic about the perfect Mother's day gift, and was quoted on Royal Caribbean's press site saying I wouldn't mind a family photo session. Other's have said in my private Facebook groups that they wouldn't mind homemade cards, a dinner out with the family, a spa day, or time to themselves.  Time to myself is what I REALLY want for Mother's Day. I don't want any old time to myself though... My ideal Mother's Day present would be an entire 24 hours alone in my house. Yes, I said in my house. I'd have hubby take the kids somewhere fun in the evening. They would go to a hotel for the night and then somewhere fun again during the next day. I would relax in my own house, do what ever I want to do, watch the movies I want to watch, stay up as late as I want, and sleep-in in my own bed. It's really a win-win for everyone (except maybe … [Read more...]

My 7 year old has an iPod Touch

Last evening my family headed out to the store to purchase an iPod Touch for my 7 year old. My husband and I did not, however, buy it for her. She paid for the entire thing, including the case, with her own, hard-earned money. She was so excited. Months and months of putting every penny she got into her piggy bank had finally paid off. Much to my nervousness and wanting to wait until at least 8 years old in a few months, Nutty has definitely earned the right to own an iPod of her own. She is, for the most part, a well behaved child, gets near perfect grades in school, and she has proven responsible with the other tablets and computers we have throughout the house. However, is she really old enough to have such a small, portable device of her very own? Is she going to continue to be responsible once this device leaves the house with her? So far, the rule is that she can only bring it out of the house when she goes somewhere with us. I realize that this will probably quickly change … [Read more...]

Tornado In A Jar

First, my thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the recent tornadoes in the central US. Because of all the news about these tornadeos, the girls have had a lot of questions. I thought we would do an experiment to hopefully answer some of those questions. Thus, we did a tornado in a jar. To make your own tornado, you'll need: a jar water a small amount of dish soap (about a teaspoon) 1) Fill the jar to almost full and add the dish soap. 2) Put the top on then shake it up to get some suds on the top. 3) Let the water settle out just a bit for the best results. 4) After the water has settled, shake the jar again in a circular motion. When you stop shaking, you should see a tornado form! 5) Let the water settle out again before making your next tornado. You can explain to your kids that tornadoes happen when two different air masses (usually a warm and a cold one) bump into each other. One mass moves faster than the other so they form a … [Read more...]

Pet Jellyfish in a Jar

Nutty and I had a half hour to ourselves the other day and she wanted to do something neat. Unfortunately a half hour is not a lot of time so I got on Pinterest to see if there was something quick we could try. I came across a jellyfish in a bottle. The site that the pin linked to only had photos that appeared to be from another blog so I will link to the pin and not the site. We gathered our supplies of: a clear plastic bag (we used a vegetable bag from the grocery store) scissors a jar blue food coloring floss to use as a tie (any string will work) We then cut the bag to make it a little smaller because it was just too big. Following the photos of the pin, we tied off part of the bag to make a "body" then began to cut the tentacles. Here's our jellyfish before we put it in the jar...yeah, I'll get to this in a minute... Time to fill up our jar and dye the water blue. Technically you don't have to dye the water but it makes for a good effect. … [Read more...]

Bubble Painting and a Little Entrepreneur

Yesterday Tottie was bored. It was a beautiful day outside but she was tired of her sidewalk chalk, scooter, and bike. It was time for something new to do. Thank goodness for bubble painting! What is bubble painting you ask? Read on... I got out our large jug of bubble solution, some food coloring, small containers, and some paper. (If you don't have bubble solution, dish soap mixed with a little bit of water makes a good bubble solution.) I poured a small amount of bubble solution into each container then added different food coloring to each container. Tottie then dipped her bubble wand into a container and blew bubbles onto the paper. When they popped, they "painted" the paper! She has so much fun doing it! Just a few notes though...She made a mess dripping colored bubble solution all over the place so make sure when you do it, to do it outside too. Also, beware because the bubbles do pop in your face. All said and done, Tottie made seven paintings. She liked … [Read more...]

The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift Infographic

Mother's Day is just a few weeks away. This year, instead of letting the men in our lives flail around trying to come up with the perfect gift for us, why not show them this simple Mother's Day gift infographic I created. It will guarantee that we'll get exactly what we want on Mother's Day. What do you think? Could this Man's Guide to the Perfect Mother's Day Gift help the man in your life? … [Read more...]