If you've read our blog for any amount of time, you know that we've done our fair share of product reviews. Companies send us products to try out for a week up to a month and we write our thoughts about them. 99% of the time we write positive reviews because if we don't like a something, we inform the company, and they tell us not to post a review (or sometimes they give us a different product to try). What happens after the review though? Do we still like and use these products months or even years after our initial post? Read on to discover which products we're still in love with. We were not asked by any of these companies to write a follow up review and we have received no compensation for this post. We simply thought it would be fun to share with our readers that yes, we really DO like, and still use, a lot of the products we review. You might consider this our idea of a Holiday Gift Guide :) 1) Urban Halo. We reviewed Urban Halo headbands back when we were just … [Read more...]
Popsicle Stick Snowflake Ornaments
Christmas is closer than you think. In fact, Lindsi has already started decorating her house! I personally believe in waiting until after Thanksgiving, but Lindsi is a little more zealous than I am. The girls and I did, however, start getting into the Christmas spirit last week by making some ornaments for our tree. The first of many I will be sharing with you is the popsicle stick snowflake ornament. To be honest, we made a few ornaments and I took pictures in the process of making most of them except this one. Nutty made it so fast, I didn't get a chance! To make your own, you'll need: 4 wooden craft sticks (popsicle sticks) wood glue (Elmer's glue will work fine too) blue paint glitter jewels fishing line or ribbon 1) Start by gluing two popsicle sticks in the middle, 90 degrees apart. 2) Repeat with two more popsicle sticks. 3) Glue the two sets together so that they line up with "spokes" 45 degrees apart. 4) When dry, paint and decorate … [Read more...]
Very Hungry Caterpillar Crafts
On Sunday he made: a hand print caterpillar by The Whoot. All you need to make this adorable piece of artwork is some finger paints (red, green, blue and black) and some paper! Simply paint the palm of your child's hand green and the fingers blue (be sure to leave the thumb un-painted). Make four prints of this followed by a red circle for the head and black for the face! Easy and so adorable! On Monday he made: an egg crate caterpillar by Rusty and Rosy. To make this eye-catching egg crate caterpillar simply grab a pair of scissors and snip the sides of the crate to create legs (say that three times fast!). Have your child paint the first five green and the last one red. Once the paint is dry add antenna and google eyes! We have three or four of these floating around our house at any given time. They love to up-cycle things from around the house. On Tuesday he made: a paper chain caterpillar by Learning with Mrs. Parker. Construction paper is what you will need … [Read more...]
Homemade Healthy Fruit Snacks
If you've read this blog for a while you'd know I prefer the healthier side of things when it comes to my kids. I made their milk (lol), I made their baby food, we buy organic and I even make their fruit snacks. I will fully admit I do not make them ALL of the time but I do make them on occasion. They're really tasty and healthy.....oh, and super easy to make! You only need four ingredients! 2 ½ c. strawberries ½ c. lemon juice 2 TBS. honey ½ c. gelatin Simply add your fruit (in this case I used strawberries, but you can use pretty much any fruit), lemon juice and honey to a small pot and bring to a soft, rolling boil. Once the fruit has heated up properly it will become pretty soft. You should be able to easily mash the fruit with a fork. When it is fully softened pour your combination into a blender or food processor and puree it. Pour your puree back into your small pot and whisk in the Gelatin. Be sure to do this in small amounts so that you do not get lumps. Also make sure … [Read more...]
VTech® Kid Connect on the InnoTab® 3S #Spon
If you haven't learned it already, we are big fans of the VTech® InnoTabs®. We've reviewed both the InnoTab® 2S and the InnoTab® 3S. Through those reviews we were given the opportunity to try the VTech Kid Connect app. The InnoTab 3S is the ONLY children’s learning tablet with VTech Kid Connect. What is this app? It is an exclusive app that lets kids and parents send text messages, voice messages, photos/drawings, and stickers between tablet-to-mobile and tablet-to-tablet. It helps parents stay connected to their kids when apart – anytime, anywhere! Though we haven't tried this app outside of our home, it has been great way to cut down the yelling in our house. I've texted the kids upstairs to tell them that dinner is ready rather than yelling at them from the kitchen! It's also been a super fun app for us to just have random fun during the day. My kids can't wait to try it out at a friend's house and I feel ok letting them do it because I know that the VTech Kid … [Read more...]
Dollar Store Advent Ideas
For $24 you can create your own Advent Calendar. I have done something similar each year with my kids. Last year we purchased 24 books and wrapped them all and let them unwrap one each night. It was so much fun. This year we decided to hit up our local Dollar Store. Here are 24 ideas for creating a Dollar Store Advent. 1. Rainbow Loom bracelets are all the rage right now. Dollar stores across the country have the rubber bands! 2. Flash Cards- just because they're on vacation doesn't mean the learning has to stop! 3. Foam balls are a huge hit in our house. 4. You can never go wrong with bubbles! If it's cold enough try making some frozen bubbles. 5. Jump Rope- seriously classic toys are still the best! 6. Another classic, paddle boards. 7. Add a little sunshine to a gloomy December day! Bendable flower pens! 8. Coloring and activity books are always a hot commodity in our house. 9. Every year they come out with new Holiday and Christmas books...for a dollar a … [Read more...]