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Buzzy takes a bite out of needle phobia #SharkBuzz #NeedlePhobia #Spon

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post brought to you by Buzzy. All opinions stated are my own.

I hate needles. Odd for me to say since my weekend job is a pediatric intensive care nurse at the largest pediatric hospital in the 5 state area. I work with needles every day I work yet I get anxiety every time I have to use one. I hate poking kids, I hate having to get poked myself, I hate when my daughters have to get poked, I hate needles. Needles cause pain and nobody likes pain. Alas, the pain cause by needles is unavoidable in some situations. Or is it?


At my hospital we do everything possible to prevent pain. We use numbing medications, distractions, nerve confusion, aroma therapy, and anything else we can think of to lessen fear and pain in the kids we treat. That’s not always true for other hospitals (especially ones that treat both adults and children) and clinics/doctor’s offices are even worse! As a parent, however, with the help of Buzzy, you can help lessen the pain and fear of needles in your own children.

Though I have never personally used Buzzy myself, I know the science behind it truly does work because we use some of the same science techniques at my hospital. Buzzy provides natural pain relief by combining two neutral sensations, cold and vibration, to desensitize pain nerves. Follow the directions provided (an important step for best results), and Buzzy can help reduce, and even possibly eliminate, the pain from shots and/or the sting from many medications. So simple, yet definitely effective!


Join Buzzy’s creator, Pediatrician, Amy Baxter on ABC’s Shark Tank this Friday, Feburary 28th at 9 pm CST. Amy will be celebrating Buzzy’s success, talking about Buzzy, and discussing 5 ways every parent can eliminate needle fear.

In addition, a Buzzy twitter party will take place during Buzzy’s premiere on Shark Tank on Feburary 28th. Participate in the Twitter party for a chance to win a Kindle Fire and Buzzy products by using the hashtag #SharkBuzz.

What are you waiting for? Check out Buzzy’s website, watch Shark Tank this Friday, participate in the Twitter party, and learn how you can reduce the pain and fear of needles for your children and even yourself!


  1. This is a wonderful idea! With grandkids now who have to visit the doc more often than most kids, this would be wonderful for their mom to know about. Thanks

  2. What a GREAT idea! Would have loved this when my kids were little!

  3. We never miss Shark Tank, so I’ll be watching it tomorrow night. I have a needle phobia myself. 🙂

  4. We love Shark Tank! I can’t do needles though. I have to inject myself every week and it never gets easier. My husband can’t handle seeing a needle at all.

  5. This is actually a really great idea!

  6. We need Buzzy! I’m a delayed-vac mom so Sweet T is having to get caught up on all those shots most kids have as infants. She’s not happy about it!

  7. It took me 20 years to get over needles. I cried when I got married at the blood test! Boy, could I have used this.

  8. Wish I had this for myself when I was a wee one.

  9. This is a great idea for kids! My four year old freaks when she sees the needle. I wonder if they could use it on adults too? 😉

  10. These are fantastic. I had the chance to learn about Buzzy a few years ago and I was so impressed

  11. What a great idea. As a new grandmother I will share this with my daughter. Thank you!

  12. I love shark tank! I will definitely tune in.

  13. This is such a great idea. I knew they were going to be on Shark Tank but didn’t realize it was tomorrow’s episode!

  14. That’s an interesting idea. I’ve been terrified of needles since I was little and I still am. Having my blood drawn makes me cry every single time even though in my head, I know it doesn’t really hurt that much.

  15. This is such a great idea!

  16. I love the idea of this. We have to take my son this week to get his blood drawn and I don’t think he’s going to be excited about it. 🙁

  17. Love this idea! I don’t mind needles if they are for a shot for me, but if it’s a shot for one of my kids or if it is for a blood draw, I freak.

  18. cute idea.

  19. I love this idea! My 6 year old was forever traumatized by the bevy of shots he got at 4. This would have been great to have for him!

  20. I do think some of the fear is so much better without SEEing it!