Because Jamie and I are busy taking care of our daughters this week (post surgeries) we are bringing you a week of fun Pintrest inspirations. 1. How did we not think of this idea?!?! Shamrock green pepper snacks from Glorious Mischief . Hello, where have we been? 2. These Irish inspired hats have all the things necessary for eating...marshmallows, cookies and chocolate. Stop by The Cake Blog for instructions. 3. Green pancakes for breakfast! Yup! I'm adding this one to my list indeed. Thoughtfully Simple came up with this one. I've done the pink heart shaped pancakes for Valentines but this one is awesome. 4. You know how I feel about fun lunches if you have been reading our blog for more than a day. This one "takes the cake!" I think I am adding GlorysMischief to my "to read" list. 5. Um, yum....need I say more? Easy to make and it looks so incredibly good! My kids will devourer this for sure! Thanks for sharing this This Mama Loves. 6. Ok, now I have to bust out … [Read more...]
Pintrest Inspired St. Patrick’s Day Activities
Because Jamie and I are busy taking care of our daughters this week (post surgeries) we are bringing you a week of fun Pintrest inspirations. Make, Take, Teach created this awesome gif file for her readers. "To play this game, you’ll need a board for every two players. Each player will need about 10 colored chips of the same color (each partner must have a different colored chip). So, if we were playing, I may have 10 red chips and you may have 10 blue chips. Players take turns reading a word and placing their colored chip on the word. Players try to be the first to get 4 chips in a row either vertically, horizontally, or diagnoally while at the same time blocking their opponent." JDaniel4'sMom shared these awesome crystal'd shamrocks that she made with her son. Didn't they turn out awesome? Momma'sFun World showed her readers how to make a great science experiment with kool-aid and water....and you'd be surprised with the … [Read more...]
Easter Krispie Treats
We all know the awesomeness of Rice Krispie Treats®, right? Oh seriously, they are one of my all time favorite vices treats. Just in time for spring add a little fun to them!Here's what you will need:4 T butter1 package of marshmallows6 Cups Rice Krispie Cereal®Prepare as directed....but once the marshmallows are melted add a drop or two of food coloring (I used pink). At the same time you pour in your cereal add some fun, festive, and fantastic "sprinkles" that soot your mood (I used a fun spring time mixture). It's nothing crazy or unusual but my kids LOVED it! Hope yours do too! … [Read more...]
Plan ahead cooking- Pinned it, Did it
I have a HUGE surgery coming up, in about two weeks. I am pretty nervous but incredibly excited. I know that it's going to be a ton of work for my hubby to take care of our 4 kids, work, a house, and me for those weeks so I wanted to do as much as I could to make things easier for him. If you're on Pintrest you have likely seen the pins related to crock pot meals. Well, I did it! I'm pretty excited! We've been doing this for a while now but today I finished making 2 and a half weeks worth of meals for the big surgery day!I started with a list of meals I wanted to make: Chicken Wild Rice Soup, Beef Fajitas, Vegetable Beef Soup, Taco Meat, Pot Roast, Turkey Breast, Omelets, Mini Corn Dog Muffins, and I even threw in some chocolate chip cookies to boot! Once I figured out the meals I made a list of items I needed and purchased them.The grocery man came today with my order and I laid it all out on my counter and started to wash, cut, peel, chop and brown.I tossed each necessary ingredient … [Read more...]
Easter Hot Cocoa and Cocoa Mix Recipe
*jamie had a lot going on this weekend, so our posts are a little disorganized this'll be fine =)This is a "two for one" post! You're going to get my favorite recipe of Hot Cocoa Mix and a little Easter fun too! Here's the recipe just for you! (We drink a lot of Hot Cocoa in our house, we live in the frozen tundra, so we make it in bulk. If you want to make a smaller batch just divide the ingredients in half).3 Cups nonfat dry milk powder (powdered milk)2 Cups powdered sugar (confectioners sugar)1 1/2 Cups Cocoa powder (we use Hershey's cocoa)1/2 tsp saltTo make the hot cocoa stir in 3 Tablespoons of mix with 1 Cup hot milk. Top with mini marshmallows or for Easter fun, top with a Marshmallow Peep! … [Read more...]
Embroidery Floss Eggs- Pinned it, Did it
Jamie and I have always said we'd be honest when we "failed" at here's another one of our honest posts.Here's the original pinhere's mine Here's what you SHOULD do:Blow up a balloon (pretty small), use GLUE to wet your embroidery floss and then cover the balloon with the gluey floss, After it completely dries pop the balloon and remove it. You will be left with a great looking Easter egg!Here's what I did WRONG:Instead of using glue, I used Mod Podge. I thought that it would be OK but it turns out that the Mod Podge left an additional shell on top of the balloon and didn't give me the effect I was hoping for. … [Read more...]