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Archives for January 2012

Coloring WITH Your Kids

The tag line of our Toys In The Dryer blog is "ideas for living in the moment with your kids."  The whole purpose of this blog is to get you interacting and doing things with your children.  We have a ton of fun and crafty ideas around here and we hope they inspire you.  However...sometimes it's not about the super cool, crafty stuff...sometimes it's just about time with your kids. When was the last time you sat down and did something simple--nothing fancy, not a ton of supplies, not a lot of thought required?  When was the last time you did a craft or activity with your children instead of supervising them.  When was the last time you let your inner child out to play? (Thanks to Hubby for taking this photo while I enjoyed time with my girls) Early in this blog I did a post about cloud watching.  It's a great, free and fun activity that allows you to spend time with your kids.  Today, I'm encouraging you to color.  I'm not talking about getting out the crayons/coloring books and … [Read more...]

Confetti Bars

Today we are absolutely honored to be having Marie Porter from Celebration Generation guest post for us!  Marie is one awesome chef/baker and has been featured in magazines such as Every Day with Rachel Ray and Wedding Cakes.  I highly suggest you check her out!  Can't get enough of Marie's blog?  Don't worry, she's published a few totally awesome Celebration Generation cookbooks (with more on the way!).  Without further ado...Marie from Celebration Generation with Confetti Bars... Photo credit goes to Michael Porter Confetti Bars! (Butterscotch, Peanut Butter & Marshmallow Bars)Growing up as a kid on the Canadian prairies, confetti bars were a common offering at social occasions. Whether Christmas, birthday parties, wedding socials, or first communions - if there was a spread of food to be had, you could bet that these bars were somewhere on the table. Of course, I’m not able to take any credit for this recipe - it’s one of those things that you’re just taught when young, … [Read more...]

Make your own color/counting book

Have you ever considered making your own book for your baby? Most people would say "no" to this question. (and until this post I would have said no too!) It's really easy and fun to do, plus it's special because YOU made it! It requires little money too! BONUS! Here is all you need: a camera a photo book To make your own counting book you simply find things around the house and lay them out and snap a photo. Once you are done with that (and you can go up as high as you want) you simply upload your photos to a photo editing site like: Picnik and add words to it. Print the photos and add them to a photo book. I got mine at the dollar store! Score! Making a color book is a little more work because you have to find multiple things for each color and so many things come in different shades of a similar color. You can even make your own "I Spy" book!  Simply put a bunch of stuff together, snap the photo then write a list of what they are suppose to find in the … [Read more...]