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Make your own color/counting book

Have you ever considered making your own book for your baby? Most people would say "no" to this question. (and until this post I would have said no too!) It's really easy and fun to do, plus it's special because YOU made it! It requires little money too! BONUS! Here is all you need: a camera a photo book To make your own counting book you simply find things around the house and lay them out and snap a photo. Once you are done with that (and you can go up as high as you want) you simply upload your photos to a photo editing site like: Picnik and add words to it. Print the photos and add them to a photo book. I got mine at the dollar store! Score! Making a color book is a little more work because you have to find multiple things for each color and so many things come in different shades of a similar color. You can even make your own "I Spy" book!  Simply put a bunch of stuff together, snap the photo then write a list of what they are suppose to find in the … [Read more...]

Make Your Own Snow

Wanna play with snow inside and not have it melt all over the place?  Make your own fake snow!  It's great for decorating , letting your kids drive their toy cars through or just plain playing in! You'll need: A few unused disposable diapers (It would be super gross to use dirty diapers.) Water A container to mix in silver glitter (optional) Ok, now this is so easy you are going to think you missed something! 1) Cut open the diaper and pull out the inside absorbent layer. 2) Put it in the container and slowly add water 3) Mix until it becomes snow consistency!  For powdery snow use less water, for slushy snow use more water. 4)  Add a bit of glitter for some sparkle. (optional) My girls had a TON of fun playing with the snow! We attempted to add more water and make a snowman but it wasn't really successful.  My girls did however, enjoy adding more and more water to see how slushy they could make their snow.  We are currently freezing the slush … [Read more...]

Make Your Own Play-Dough

I don't know about your kids but mine love play-dough!  The problem is, it can get expensive because they keep accidentally letting it dry out.  Simple solution: make your own for much cheaper.  Personally, I like the homemade stuff a little better anyway. Here's what you'll need: 1 cup flour 1/2 cup salt 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 cup water 4 Tablespoons oil food coloring Step 1)  Mix the flour, salt, and cream of tartar in the pot. Step 2)  Add the water, oil, and food coloring.  Food coloring is to desired color. (At this point in time my camera ran out of batteries and I was not about to leave my 5 and 3 year old alone by a hot stove to find new batteries.  Excuse the lack of photo(s) for the next part.) Step 3)  Cook on medium heat until the mixture is able to remain a ball in the middle of the pot.  The mixture will be liquidy and clumpy at first (and you'll wonder how in the world it is going to turn into play-dough) but it will get firmer as it … [Read more...]

Make Your Own Treasure Hunt

When I was younger my mom used to surprise my sister and me with treasure maps.  We would get so excited when she would pull them out and we would have to gallivant all over the yard to find the hidden treasure.  As we got older, my sister and I made maps for each other, our mom, and our friends.  It was just as much fun to make the maps as it was to follow them! Obviously this activity with your kids requires some planning ahead on your part.  You'll need to make the map and hide the treasure without your kids knowing. As far as the map goes, you can get as simple or as complicated as you want.  It somewhat depends on the age of your kids.  In the above map I made my girls walk, skip, run, or hop during different sections.  You could simply count the steps or combine counting with skipping and hopping...it's totally up to you!  Make it colored or just draw in pen.  It makes no difference.  As an added touch to your map, crinkle up the paper then burn the edges and some holes … [Read more...]

Boo Boo Bunny

"Mommy, I've got a boo boo!" How many times a day do you hear this, or something similar? If your kids are anything like mine they are constantly asking for band-aids and ice packs to make the owie better. I found this really cute idea years ago on "How to Make a boo boo Bunny" and I have one in my freezer right now. Its really easy to make (even if you are craft-challenged) and it will be a quick fix for any boo boos, scrapes, bumps, or ouchies that come your way. To make your own boo boo bunny you'll need: A washcloth A rubber band Thin ribbon Google eyes Small pom pom Craft glue (or hot glue gun if you prefer) Step 1: Fold your washcloth in half to make it look like a triangle. Step 2: Roll the cloth from the point to the long side of the cloth. Step 3: Fold the rolled up cloth in half. Step 4: Fold it in half again so that the loose ends point backwards towards your first fold. Step 5: Secure the folds with a rubber band (place it … [Read more...]