We interrupt our normal posting schedule to bring you news about
Despicable Me 2!

Did your family love the original Despicable Me? Then we guarantee you’ll love the second as well! More Minions and just as much humor as the first is less than 48 hours from hitting theaters!
A few days ago my family was given the chance to see an advanced screening of Despicable Me 2. I’m not sure who was more thrilled, Hubby, the kids, or me. We all loved Despicable Me (the first one) because the minions were cute and the humor was great, but not crass or overly adult-ish. We had high hopes for Despicable Me 2 and we were not disappointed!
Minions, definitely more Minions! And, let me tell you, yellow is not the only color they are in this movie! That’s all I’m going to say about that.
The plot? Predictable, but who cares? We didn’t want to see it for the mystery. We wanted the humor and cuteness. Be prepared to bust a gut at the beginning and the end of the movie. It’s going to have both you and your kids rolling in your seats. To be honest, the middle did get a bit slow.
Agnes (the little girl) steels the spotlight on being adorable, while you see a softer side of Margo (the oldest girl). Edith, the middle child, gets somewhat forgotten. A few new characters bring out a whole different side of Gru that you knew was in there somewhere just waiting to come forward. Familiar (to the adults) songs with a Minion twist have everyone wanting to dance in their seats. Last but not least, you leave the theater, once again, trying to figure out what the heck the Minions were saying through the movie, and with a few quotable lines.
Stay through the credits as there’s some awesome 3D effects!
Despicable Me 2 comes to theaters on July 3, 2013 and you do NOT want to miss it!
I was given the opportunity to see an advanced screening of Despicable Me 2 but was not asked to write a post or review about it. I wrote the post because I wanted to 🙂 All opinions are 100% my own.