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Walmart Box Tops for Education

It’s August which means that most of us are beginning to think about back to school.  I confess though, I have yet to begin my planning.  I have, however, been saving my Box Tops all summer in preparation for Nutty to make a large deposit in the collection bin on her first day of school.

If you haven’t been as good at saving your Box Tops over the summer, you are in luck!  Participating products at Walmart are now loaded with 4 Box Tops to help you stock up for your first day of school!

  • Look for the Box Tops display at your local Walmart to earn 4 Box Tops on more than 100 of your family’s favorite items including Cheerios, Hamburger Helper, Nature Valley and Totinos
  • By liking Walmart on Facebook you can earn more Box Tops from General Mills
  • Check out the Box Tops For Education website to learn more about the Box Tops Program and how you can help your school reach its goal for the 2012-2013 school year
  • Visit EarnMoreForMySchool.com to find out how you can earn even more for your school with eBox Tops
General Mills, Walmart, and Toys In The Dryer would like to help you buy some of the Box Tops for Education participating products by giving you the chance to
win a $25 Walmart gift card!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received a Walmart gift card for writing this post.  All opinions are 100% my own.  The Walmart gift card, information, and additional gift card for the giveaway have been provided by General Mills and Walmart through MyBlogSpark.


  1. Cheerios…my baby loves them!

  2. I’ll stock up on Cheerios!

    Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy

  3. We love Cheerios and Green Giant veggies!! thank you!

  4. Cereal!My daughter eats it for every meal 🙂 LOL

  5. I will stock up on Cheerios

    elena150980 at yahoo com

  6. I would stock on cereals…my kids go through like a box a day!!

  7. I’d like to stock up on Cheerios.

  8. definitely any kinds of cereal like cheerios!!! 🙂

  9. Romano’s Macaroni Grill,betty crocker fruit snacks and nature valley granola bars

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  10. I would stock up on cereals – my kids eat them every morning!
    bjn1957 at g mail dot com

  11. Nature Valley Granola Bars. Thanks!

  12. Laura Jacobson says

    Hamburger Helper Beef Fried Rice!
    landfjacobson @ charter.net

  13. Definitely the cheerios. we love them!
    Amanda Sakovitz

  14. cheerios
    amanda sakovitz

  15. I would buy cereal, cereal and more cereal! 3 teen girls go through a lot of it! susie
    [email protected]

  16. nature valley granola bars
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  17. Totinos

  18. food

  19. Cereal! Can never have enough on hand!

  20. nature valley bars 🙂

    marci h
    tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

  21. Hamburger Helper

  22. Pillsbury Strudels and Kleenex – thank you.

    barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

  23. Cheerios for the little guy, and Tostinos party pizzas for the bigger guy


  24. Honey Nut Cheerios. My husband loves them!