It's hard enough to entertain your kids during the summer, let alone when it rains outside. Today we're bringing you 10 ways to keep your kids occupied during the rain. #10- Make your own treasure hunt #9- Corn starch and water #8- Indoor obstacle course #7- Popsicle stick puzzles #6- Scratch drawings #5- Make cleaning fun #4- Make your own playdough #3- Shaving cream and glue #2- Coloring with your kids #1- Tissue paper flowers … [Read more...]
Fun With Self-Portraits
Most of us moms do not like getting our pictures taken. Even if we don't mind being in front of the camera, we're usually the ones behind it. Very few of us have photos with our kids. I realized one day when Nutty was 18 months old that I wanted her to remember me should anything happen. I wanted her to have photos of us together, not just photos of mommy. Thus began my self-portrait taking with my girls. My first self-portrait with Nutty. I propped the camera on the dresser. I got tired of always having to ask people to take pictures of me and my girls. Most of the time when we were doing things there wasn't anyone else around to take the photos anyway. I learned to use the self-timer on my camera and to prop it on things to be able to take self pictures. Camera propped on a ladder. After a while, my girls began to think taking self portraits with mommy was fun and our little photo adventures became something fun to do when we were bored. Hand held … [Read more...]
9 ideas for one on one time with your child
Source With 4 kids it is difficult to find time every day to devote to one on one time with each one of my kids. It doesn't happen each day but I make sure they each get special time frequently. We call it "special time" because it usually involves something extra special. 1. Bowling- when was the last time you went bowling? My 5 year old, er um 5 1/2 year old, loves this special time. Sadly, he often beats me. The bumpers in the gutters deflate when it is my turn to bowl and I often end up right there! 2. Arts and Crafts- many stores have great arts and craft ideas in their dollar section. My kids don't really know it costs only a dollar so they don't care but, my daughter especially loves when she and I have crafty time together. source 3. Ice cream date- need I say more? Well in all honesty this is one that I enjoy just as much as they do. Sometimes I pick up one of my kids from pre-school early and take them to the ice cream shop by there school. … [Read more...]
12 fun Beach Day Activities
1. Fill a bucket relay- Set up a bucket a few feet from the water. Have each child race to the water and fill their hands with water and race back to the bucket to dump it in. Time them to see how fast they can fill the bucket up with water using only their hands! 2.Go on an archiological dig- Dig deep into the sand to find rocks and trinkets. Discuss how each item looks, feels, and even smells. Explain how the smooth rocks got their feel from the waves crashing over them and buffing them smooth. Tell them how the sharp and jagged rocks may not have been in the water very long and they haven't been smoothed by the water. 3. Look for sea glass- Did you know that glass is smooth after it has been in the water for some time? Mason jar glass often takes a blue color to it when it has been buffed by the waves and shore. Brown glass is usually from root(beer) bottles and red sea glass is considered one of the rarest colors! See if you can collect enough sea glass to make a mosaic … [Read more...]
7 Children’s Games for Your Memorial Day Party
We almost always get together with friends and family for Memorial Day. While it's fun to let the kids do their own things, it's also fun to have some structured things to do too. Here's some fun Memorial Day party games for kids:Photo Source1) Patriotic musical chairs--It's the same as musical chairs but you play patriotic music!2) Red, white, and blue scavenger hunt--Set a time limit and have the kids find as many red, white, and blue things as they can. The child with the most objects wins!3) Uncle Sam Says--Simon Says only patriotic!4) Puzzle race--Print out and color two identical patriotic coloring pages. Cut them up into identical puzzle pieces (i.e. cut them together, one on top of the other). Separate into two teams. The first team to put the puzzle together wins.5) Make a person into a flag--Buy some red, white, and blue streamers. Separate into two teams. Have the children decorate an adult like an American flag using the streamers. The best "flag" wins.6) Red … [Read more...]
Simple Bowling Game
A few days ago my girls played the "I'm bored" card on me yet again. All the suggestions I gave the came back as "no". It was a beautiful day outside so I wanted to keep them in the fresh air. Searching through my garage for some thing new to do, I spotted some water bottles and a ball...bowling! I grabbed six water bottles (because that's all I had), put x's on the driveway where the water bottles should go. Then I drew a line a few feet away so the girls knew where to stand. I let them go at it and they had a TON of fun! They spent a good hour to hour-and-a-half bowling! Here's a hint for you though...if you are bowling up the driveway (toward the garage) make sure the garage door is shut or you'll have to keep retrieving the ball from under the car! … [Read more...]