On Sunday he made: a hand print caterpillar by The Whoot. All you need to make this adorable piece of artwork is some finger paints (red, green, blue and black) and some paper! Simply paint the palm of your child’s hand green and the fingers blue (be sure to leave the thumb un-painted). Make four prints of this followed by a red circle for the head and black for the face! Easy and so adorable!
On Monday he made: an egg crate caterpillar by Rusty and Rosy. To make this eye-catching egg crate caterpillar simply grab a pair of scissors and snip the sides of the crate to create legs (say that three times fast!). Have your child paint the first five green and the last one red. Once the paint is dry add antenna and google eyes! We have three or four of these floating around our house at any given time. They love to up-cycle things from around the house.
On Tuesday he made: a paper chain caterpillar by Learning with Mrs. Parker. Construction paper is what you will need to create your own caterpillar on a leaf. Simply cut out the shape of a leaf out of green paper (you can even rip the edges of the paper to give the leaf a more realistic look or add holes with a paper puncher). Make three to five green rings out of a different shade of green and one ring out of red. Attach them together using tape, glue or staples. Be sure to add the eyes and mouth!
On Wednesday he made: a toe print caterpillar by Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk. Use our leaf drawing technique to create a leaf for your caterpillar. When you’ve got the perfect leaf ready for your little caterpillar, paint your little one’s toes green (I personally reserve the big toe for red, but you can leave it green if you want). Smoosh the toes onto the leaf and viola!
On Thursday he made: a very hairy caterpillar by Second Chance to Dream. There are several ways to create this grassy caterpillar. The way we did it was to use Dixie Cups. We simply added a little black dirt to the bottom and sprinkled some grass seeds on top and let it grow. When they were full and ready we popped them out of the cups and put them in a line. A few google eyes and some pipe cleaners will complete the look!
On Friday he made: a balloon print caterpillar by Moments of Mommyhood. Get our your paint again and grab a small balloon! Simply dot the “fat” end of the balloon in red paint to create the head, then dip it in different shades of green to create the body. Add a set of eyes and antenna and you’ve got a cute little critter!
And on Saturday he made: a very hungry caterpillar necklace by Buggy and Buddy. Some string, noodles, paint and paper are the supplies you will need to make this incredibly cute necklace. Paint the face of the caterpillar on some thick paper and cut it out, be sure to make a few extra red circles to separate the green body (noodles) with too! Once these are dry and ready you can begin stringing your necklace!