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My Perfectly, Imperfect Marriage

I'm going to start this post with a disclaimer. First, this post is NOT sponsored. In fact, the company doesn't even know I'm writing a post about them. Second, this post is off-topic of what I normally talk about but I felt the need to write it... A little over 15 years ago my husband and I got engaged. We were 20 and 23 years old, and full of young love bliss. Back then, my friends were getting large, flashy,expensive diamond engagement rings. After all, isn't that what you're suppose to get? I, however, wanted something small and simple. A 1/4 carat solitaire to be exact. I'm not a huge jewelry fan and I felt like I didn't need a big diamond for him to show his love. After much discussion with my then boyfriend/soon to be fiance, he convinced me to try on the ring below. I thought it was still to big/fancy, but he thought I deserved something more than a small solitaire. Though it was slightly larger at 1/3 carat and not a solitaire, I loved it the moment I tried it … [Read more...]

School Has Started!!

By now I'm pretty sure every child in the US has started school (at least those in public school). Today was supposed to be Nutty's second day of 3rd grade, Tottie's first day of Kindergarten, and my first full day alone in a LONG time. Unfortunately, Nutty woke with a headache, fever, and vomiting. There went my day... That's not the point of this post though. The point is, as soon as Nutty goes back to school I will be a stay-at-home-mom without kids. Ok, I'm not a true stay-at-home-mom. I work every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'm home during the week and work on weekends. I will continue this schedule despite the girls being in school because it helps me avoid before and after school daycare. I'm not sure how I feel about being a semi stay-at-home-mom without kids. Sure, I'm excited about FINALLY having time to myself, I can get (and keep) the house clean, and I can catch up on stuff I've been meaning to do but haven't had the time...but, what am I going to really do … [Read more...]

I Challenge You

I said I was never going to do the viral "Ice Bucket Challenge" that has been going around. I have plenty of reasons for not doing it. None of which I need to defend to you. However, I DID end of taking the challenge after being called out by a fellow Red Cross Social Media Advocate, Astronaut Abby and my neighbor Annie. I put my own twist on the challenge though and you're going to have to watch the video to see what it is! Now that you've watched the video, I'll lead you to this website: A few (impolite) questions about the ice bucket challenge. The author makes a few strong points that coincide with some my original reasons for not doing the challenge. Here's a link to the two causes/medical conditions/diseases (whatever you want to call them) that I support: Spasmodic Dystonia: dysphonia.org/spasmodic-dysphonia.php Spinal Muscular Atrophy (aka SMA): smafoundation.org What cause do YOU support? I'd love for you to share awareness in the comments below! … [Read more...]

Finding More Of Myself

Many people have been asking me how I am doing on the journey to find myself since I posted my first post almost three weeks ago. I thought it was about time for an update. My attitude has improved. I guess I really did just need to "suck it up" as my Hubby says. Ok, maybe other things played into my attitude change too. I've been diligently taking my vitamin D as my doctor recommended, I've been making a conscious effort to be more positive, and I've been making a conscious effort to be more active. It's amazing how much better you feel when you just get up and do something. I haven't lost any weight yet. In fact, I think I gained a pound or two while I was camping last week. Am I disappointed? A little. Am I beating myself up over it. No. Change takes time and I know that. My Fitbit remains on my arm at all times and I am learning a ton from it. In combination with MyFitnessPal I am gaining insight into my bad habits affecting my weight. Ugh, I REALLY need to work on my … [Read more...]

The Journey To Find Myself

I'm tired. I'm tired of my lack of motivation, I'm tired of being crabby, I'm tired of my clothes getting tighter. I'm just tired. I know what I need to do and there is NO MORE EXCUSES. No more "I'll start tomorrow," no more "but...". No more. This afternoon I start my path to feeling better. This afternoon I pick myself up, I get off the couch and go for a walk, eat fruit instead of a brownie, go get the Fitbit I bought off of Craigslist, log the food I ate in My Fitness Pal. This afternoon it begins... This is me. All 163 lbs, size 12 is getting tight, me. I'm putting this photo out there as motivation. Motivation to gain back the person I used to be. Not the 125 lb, size 6 person I was when I got married (and before kids). The happy-go-lucky, always up for doing something, me. The person who hated sitting at home on the couch alone. The person who wanted to throw parties like her mom did for friends. The person who didn't yell at her kids because she was lazy. The person I … [Read more...]