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Walkie Talkies–Cell Phones For Kids!

Nutty went to a friend’s house on Sunday and came home with a walkie talkie.  Her friend lives 6 houses away so we knew the signal would reach.  The girls talked for at least an hour before bed.  Her mom and I joked that the walkie talkies were like cell phones for our kids.
walkie talkie
School was closed on Monday due to bitterly cold wind chills. I thought it was really funny to see this post from one of my friends on my Facebook wall after Nutty and her friend were playing with walkie talkies just the day before.


I told Nutty about it and she decided to see if she could find some other kids stuck at home…Sure enough, she found a girl!  It was a bit broken in their conversation, I’m assuming due to distance, but they did talk for a minute or two!  I just had to share it with my friend who posted earlier, so I tagged her in this Facebook post.


After that post, my friend and I coordinated our kids on the same channel and they chatted for most of the afternoon!  Then Nutty’s friend from Sunday found the channel and joined in!  It was a 4-way conversation between Nutty, Tottie, Nutty’s friend, and my friend’s daughter!

All the girls had a blast talking to each other and definitely agreed that the walkie talkies were (at this point in time) more fun than cell phones because you can find random people to talk to.

In fact, just as I was about ready to finish this post, the 4 girls found yet ANOTHER person on their channel!  How fun!

Do your kids play with walkie talkies?