Welcome to day 9 of Toys In The Dryer 14 Days of Valentines!
From January 25 through February 7 we’ll be posting non-stop Valentine’s posts to celebrate this lovely holiday.
I saw the most adorable Valentine Inchworms in the Oriental Trading catalog. The problem was, I didn’t need to make 24 of them, and I really didn’t want to pay for the kits when I had most of the stuff to make them at home already. So I went to the craft store and bought 1 piece of pink foam paper (is that what that stuff is called?). The google eyes, jewels, pompoms, and pipe cleaners I had already.
The above photo is from the Oriental Trading website and what I wanted our inchworms to kinda look like.
I started by cutting the foam into 3/4 inch strips (the short way). Then the girls folded them accordion style. I thought our worms would stay folded. I guess I haven’t worked with the foam stuff enough. No fear, we would glue it to make it stay!
Um, yeah, even with the rubber band to hold it in place till it dried, it still didn’t stay together once dry and did not stay and folded well either. The girls wanted to decorate them anyway so on we went…
They glued the jewels, pompoms, google eyes, and pipe cleaners on. Each having to keep pressing and re-sticking things to make them stay.
The girls were happy with the results. I wanted them to look like the ones from the catalog. In hinds site, we probably should have used the hot glue gun to make things stick. Most importantly though, take a closer look at the photo from the catalog. Yep, those are holes in the foam. You stick those little heart things through the holes and that’s what makes your inchworm stay folded up! You try, you learn…
Have you ever tried to make things from a catalog with your kids? How did it go?
Click on the button below to see all of our past Valentine’s posts.