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Spring Time Marshmallow Kabobs

Sugar + Marshmallows (more sugar) + Skewers= Springtime Marshmallow Kabobs

Easter treats

Here is what you need:
colored sugar

Easter treats

Snip the ends of the mallows off so that you expose them and make them sticky. Smoosh both sides of the mallows in the colored sugar and push them onto the skewers.

Easter treats

Sit back and enjoy! I limited my kids to 4 mallows cause I figured that was about the max amount of sugar necessary for one period of time. Have you ever made mallow kabobs?

Easter treats


  1. Those are so adorable! Megan

  2. What a cute idea!

  3. This is super adorable! My kids would love this!!


  4. Super cute idea! Stopping by from Be Different Act Normal. Cheers!

  5. This is so cute!! I’m going to make some for my son and include them in his Easter basket 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Super cute – what a FUN idea! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! See you tomorrow =-)

  7. How pretty!! I love it. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you will share with us again this week!