I had a ton of fun making spring photos with my fingers the other day…and in all honesty the kids didn’t participate. I know this is something they’d love to do, however, we were “blessed” by 12 inches of snow this past week so they were more inclined to go sledding than finger art! LOL
Bumblebee- simply use the thumb for the body and the pointer finger for the head. When the ink is dry add the details using a black marker
Frog- my personal favorite! He’s cuuuuuute! The thumb is what you use to make the body. Add the black details when it’s dry and then use a green marker to add little triangles for the webbed feet.
Butterfly- use your pointer finger and print two next to each other to create the wings of the butterfly. When the ink is dry use a black marker to fill in the details.
Flower- your thumb will get a work out when making this flower. Dip your thumb in yellow ink and make the flower shape. Clean your thumb off then add two green prints for the leaves and finally use your pointer finger for the orange center. Add a stem and you’re done.
Bunny- a pink thumbprint below a pink pointer finger print and you’ve got the basic shape of the bunny. Once it is dry add the final details to the bunny and smile!
Chick- dip your pointer finger in yellow ink and make two prints. Add the beak, wings and eyes once the ink is dry.
Birds in a Nest- make two brown thumbprints for the nests. Next add two pink prints using your ring finger or pinky finger and then add the details once the ink is dry.
Alligator- your entire hand will get some ink love making this alligator. Dip your thumb in the green ink and make three prints, follow with your pointer, middle and pinky finger for the tail. Lastly add the eye print with your ring finger and add the final details with a black marker.