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Edible acorns

Looking for a fun and easy snack idea for the fall? Look no further- Edible Acorns! I wanted to share both versions with you and let you decide which one you liked better. Be sure to vote at the bottom of the post.

Option A-                                                                              Option B-
Items needed:                                                                        Items needed:
doughnut holes                                                                      chocolate kisses
pretzels                                                                                 mini wafer cookies
chocolate frosting                                                                   melted white chocolate

crushed toffee                                                                        pretzels

Add frosting to the top of the hole                                  Add white chocolate to the kiss

edible acorns

Cover frosting with crushed toffee                                  Place mini wafer cookie on top

edible acorns

Stick pretzel into the top of the doughnut hole                  Attach pretzel to the top

edible acorns

The last step is the same for both……ENJOY!

edible acorns

Now is the time to vote:

Which acorns do you like better?
option A- with doughnuts
option B- with kisses
option C- I prefer to eat acorns from the tree
pollcode.com free polls


  1. Those are just to cute, and they look fun, easy and yummy.