Welcome to day 5 of Toys In The Dryer 14 Days of Valentines! From February 1-14 we'll be doing non-stop Valentine's posts to celebrate this lovely holiday. Today we're doing woven hearts. I showed the above photo to a few friends of mine and I got the same response each time--"I remember making those!" Some made them out of felt, others made them out of paper like I did with my girls. FYI: felt is MUCH easier to work with because it doesn't tear. Here's what you'll need to make your own woven hearts: Felt or paper of two different colors (we used paper because I was too lazy to get more felt) Scissors Glue (optional) The steps below are the same if you use felt or paper. 1) Cut a long rectangle out of each color paper making sure they are the same size. 2) Fold the rectangles in half, put them together then round the unfolded edge corners. 3) Still folded, line up the two rectangles at a 45 degree angle. Note (make a light line or mark) where they … [Read more...]
Wax Paper Hearts
Welcome to day 4 of Toys In The Dryer 14 Days of Valentines! From February 1-14 we'll be doing non-stop Valentine's posts to celebrate this lovely holiday! Wax paper hearts are a combination activity and craft. This only involves a few items too! Here is what you will need: Wax paper Pencil sharpener Crayons Cookie Sheet Parchment paper (or construction paper will work too) Scissors and string Remove a long sheet of wax paper from the container and place it on the cookie sheet. Have your child (or help them) take Valentine's colored crayons (white, pink, red, a little gray) use the pencil sharpener to create crayon shavings. Spread the shaving out all over the wax paper. Fold the paper in half. Cover with parchment paper. *This part is for the adults* Iron on the lowest setting until the crayon shavings are completely melted. Set the wax paper aside to cool completely. Use a scissors to cut out heart shapes from the wax paper. Attach a string and … [Read more...]
14 days of Valentine’s Fun Stuff Fridays (#9)
Remember when Linkys were all the rage in blogging? They were a great way to find and get to know other bloggers before social media and Pinterest became mainstream. It didn't hurt that they brought a ton of traffic to your site too. Lindsi and I started our Fun Stuff Fridays linky back in 2011. We kept it going for 20 weeks before it fizzled out (or we got sick of doing it, I'm not sure which happened). It is now soon to be 2017 and at lot of the links in those linkies no longer exist. Plus, I've let my link up subscription lapse so you can't get to them anyway. Instead of deleting the Fun Stuff Fridays posts, however, I have decided to clean them up and make sure our featured links are still valid. After all, on a rare occasion I get traffic from one of these old posts. The linky may be gone but the featured posts are still valid as of December 2016... Welcome to day 3 of Toys In The Dryer 14 Days of Valentines! Welcome to Fun Stuff Fridays. Can't wait to see your … [Read more...]
Surprise Valentines
Welcome to day 2 of Toys In The Dryer 14 Days of Valentines! From February 1-14 we'll be posting non-stop Valentine's posts to celebrate this lovely holiday. Today we're making Surprise Valentines! I hope your kids have just as much fun as mine did while making these! Here's what you'll need to make Surprise Valentines: Cereal boxes or some other kind of thin cardboard Paper in Valentines colors Glue Scissors Candy Tape Step 1) Cut your cardboard and some paper into pieces approximately 3 x 3 inches. You'll need 2 pieces of cardboard and 2 pieces of paper per Valentine. Step 2) Glue the paper to the colored side of the cardboard to cover it up. Set them aside for later. Step 3) Take an 8.5 x 11 in piece of paper and cut it evenly into 4 strips the long way. (Yes, I realize there's only 3 strips above. My daughter was using the 4th strip.) Step 4) Accordion fold each strip into 8 sections. Step 5) Cut a half-heart out of the folded accordion … [Read more...]
We Love You Because…
Welcome to Toys In The Dryer 14 Days Of Valentines! For the next fourteen days straight (including Saturdays and Sundays) we'll be posting Valentines related posts! Even our Fun Stuff Fridays linky party will be Valentines focused! We'll be going a little off of our usual schedule during this time, but we hope you enjoy our tribute to this lovely holiday. Show your kids that you love them and boost their self esteem with these easy "We Love You Because..." message boards. I have to admit, this is another one of our Pinterest inspired posts. I found this husband geared Love Message Board tutorial and totally thought this would be great for my girls! I'm always looking for unique ways to show them that I love them. These are so easy to make! In fact, they are so easy, I didn't feel the need to take step-by-step photos. I'm pretty sure you're smart enough not to need a visual... 1) Grab your computer, some paper, some scissors (optional), an 8x10 photo frame, and make … [Read more...]