Hello Readers! My name is Ann and I blog over at BusyLittleBaby.com. Your [Twin Cities] Guide to Keeping Busy with your Baby. Not from the Twin Cities? No problem! I often write about things you can do at your home or in any city with your baby. Today I want to share 5 activities to do with your baby in the fall. Some activities are simple, some to get you OUT of the house and some to keep you entertained at home! [1] Go to Apple Picking or to a Pumpkin Patch Why not start a fun family fall tradition by going to a local apple orchard or a pumpkin patch. Babies thrive when they can experience a variety of sensations. Let them grab at the apples and play on top of the big pumpkins. A lot of orchards also have family friendly activities like hay rides and petting zoos. And bonus: there will be ample opportunities for great photos! [2] Photo Shoot in the Leaves Turn a boring weekend chore like raking the leaves into another fun photo opportunity for your baby. Rake … [Read more...]
8 Helpful Halloween Safety Tips
We know that Halloween is still a few weeks away but it's never to early to start talking Halloween safety. We also know that most people know and teach their kids the basics of Halloween safety such as only go on well lit streets, don't go to strangers' houses, wear reflective tape or lights on your costume, don't eat the candy till you get home....yada, yada, yada.... I went around the web and searched for 8 helpful Halloween safety tips that you might not think about: If you and your child are going out with a group, make their costume a unique one so you can spot them easily in a crowded area. Wear something unique yourself so your child can easily spot you! Do not include high heel shoes or long dangling pieces of costume that your child could trip over. If they are carrying a prop such as a scythe or sword, make sure they are made out of a flexible plastic that will bend if fallen on. Getting injured because their costume can really ruin a kid's night! Plan a … [Read more...]
How to make a meal plan
So apparently my (Lindsi) obsession with organization has been quite a topic of conversation, especially when it comes to my handy dandy meal plan. I am going to dedicate this post to sharing my tips and tricks to creating a functional and year-long meal plan. Now don't get overwhelmed, it really IS easy to do. It will just take a little bit of determination on your part. The benefits are well worth it (less stressing about what to make for dinner, less impulse buying at the grocery store, more money in your pocket). So without further ado, here are the steps on how to make a meal plan for an entire year: Step 1: Print 12-15 copies of a blank calendar (or use a store bought calendar). I found my favorite meal planning calendar HERE. Step 2: Start with one month (or two if you are feeling really determined). Set aside time to plan the entire month out. You can fill in the days with family favorites and also some new meals you have found in books or on sites. These are a few of my … [Read more...]
Fire Safety
I am sure that most of you remember way back from grade school how to "stop, drop, and roll." But have you taken the time to teach your children about fire safety and what to do if there is a fire? I mean, REALLY teach them (not just tell them "hey if there is a fire you want to get out"). My family and I recently moved into a home where our children are all on the top level of our home and we are a floor below them. I must say fire safety was one of the first things we focused on (in fact, the fire marshal was at our door the day we moved in to help us come up with a safety plan). Our local fire department was MORE THAN happy to help us out and I know they would be happy to help you and your family come up with some guidelines as well. For now, our fire department has shared the following very useful tips. FIRE SAFETY PLANS AND TIPS Have an escape plan – know 2 ways out of every room (this could be a window, door, hallway, etc) Check your smoke alarms every month – change … [Read more...]
Car Seat Safety
I know for me taking my kids in the car is always a little nerve wracking. My husband says I am crazy worried about their car seats being correct. I always tell him "better safe than sorry." I thought I'd use this opportunity to educate myself a little more about car seat safety as well. I got in touch with the Injury Prevention Manager at our local children's hospital and she shared some very helpful and useful information. What You Should Know Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death to children. According to Safe Kids USA, an estimated 2,446 children ages 14 years and under die in motor vehicle crashes each year. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to reduce the risk of injury in a car crash -- one of them is as easy as being a good example. Always use your seat belt. Photo by Supafly Rear-facing Car Seat tips Rear-facing child seats should be used for infants as long as possible up to the height or weight limit specified … [Read more...]
Back to School and Bus Stop Safety
It's back to school time around here, and we assume in your neck of the woods too. We thought that we'd include an expert interview on safety for this time of year. Our local police chief was so kind as to compile some helpful information and useful tips to help you and your children stay safe at the bus stop this year. Thanks to Cory our Chief of Police for helping us with this important project! Motorists: A child’s life could be saved by you! Every year, children across the United States lose their lives in the process of riding buses. 72% of these fatalities take place outside the school bus. These tragedies can be avoided with caution and common sense. The most important thing you can do to help is to be aware: drive with care, and obey the laws that apply to school bus safety. Red Lights and Stop Arm: Motorists MUST stop for a school bus when the red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended; this means children are getting on or off the bus. Stop at least 20 feet … [Read more...]