If you’ve read this blog for a while you’d know I prefer the healthier side of things when it comes to my kids. I made their milk (lol), I made their baby food, we buy organic and I even make their fruit snacks. I will fully admit I do not make them ALL of the time but I do make them on occasion. They’re really tasty and healthy…..oh, and super easy to make! You only need four ingredients!
2 ½ c. strawberries
½ c. lemon juice
2 TBS. honey
½ c. gelatin
Simply add your fruit (in this case I used strawberries, but you can use pretty much any fruit), lemon juice and honey to a small pot and bring to a soft, rolling boil.
Once the fruit has heated up properly it will become pretty soft. You should be able to easily mash the fruit with a fork. When it is fully softened pour your combination into a blender or food processor and puree it.
Pour your puree back into your small pot and whisk in the Gelatin. Be sure to do this in small amounts so that you do not get lumps. Also make sure you do it when the puree is still hot, this will soften the gelatin. Pour your puree into a lightly greased cookie sheet or mold and set them in the fridge to cool completely. When you are done simply pop them out of the mold or slice up the sheet from your cookie sheet into bite sized pieces and there you have it….home made healthy fruit snacks! My kids eat these up faster than I can make them! If you want to store them over a few days you can simply put them in an air-tight container.