Measure out your berries or fruit and place all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.
Pour your puree into a sauce pan and bring to a boil (to cook the fruit a little). Simmer for about 10 minutes (not any longer or you will destroy the healthy vitamin A and C naturally found in the fruit).
Lightly spray a jelly roll (or cookie sheet) pan with oil and pour warmed fruit puree onto it.
Bake in your oven for 8 (EIGHT) hours at 140 (usually this is the lowest temperature setting). Do not bake at any higher of a temperature or you will actually cook the fruit rather than dehydrate it. This might not be the best choice but I usually make it all up right before bed and pop it into the oven at 10pm and when I get up at 6am I pull it out, you need to do what is best for you.
Peel the dried fruit from the pan and cut with a scissors to the desired shape (or you can be really snazzy and use metal cookie cutters and make fun shapes for yourself your kids. Other flavors we’ve tried- pumpkin puree, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry banana, strawberry with coconut and strawberry kiwi.
Oooh! thanks for this, for some reason I thought you needed a dehydrator to make fruit leather at home. This is PERFECT!
Wow, even I could do that. I also assumed it required a dehydrater.
So awesome! Thanks for sharing!
I had no idea I could do this at home! Thanks for the great how-to. I think I might have to try this!! Thanks so much for sharing on TGIF Linky Party! Don’t forget to grab a TGIF button or include a link back text so others can find our party & share more great ideas =-) I can’t wait to see what you link up next!
Beth =-)
I had no idea I could do this at home! Thanks for the great how-to. I think I might have to try this!! Thanks so much for sharing on TGIF Linky Party! Don’t forget to grab a TGIF button or include a link back text so others can find our party & share more great ideas =-) I can’t wait to see what you link up next!
Beth =-)
This looks delicious! I love that you can control the ingredients in this healthy treat! Happy SITS day!
How easy is that? I always wanted to try this but never had a dehydrator, now I know I don’t need one! Thanks – stoping by from SITS.
Wow! Super easy AND healthy. Thank you so much for sharing this. I have to agree with Christa though from the previous post…the summer is too hot here in VA to have the oven running that long. It’d be a great treat in the fall and winter though! 🙂 Happy SITS Day!
{Kathy} Fabulous information and idea–Those roll-ups are sooooo expensive!
Well how awesome is that! Now I’m craving some fruit leather… 🙂
Oh I can’t wait to try this! Also: I LOVE and respect that y’all go to a lighter blogging schedule in the summer to give your kids more attention. When mommy bloggers are posting/tweeting/promoting nonstop, I always wonder what their poor kids are doing. . .good for you! And yeah let’s keep the HFCS out of those precious little bodies!
Happy SITS day. Have you tried peach?
Oooohh, this sounds fantastic! Definitely going to have to try it!
Congrats on your SITS day!!!!
My son loves fruit leather and I love the idea of making it ourselves. Looks so easy!! Thanks for sharing and happy SITS Day!
LOVE!! This is a must try for sure. Thanks!
Ooh, I’ve been wanting to try this for so long but now that it’s summer I think it has to wait until fall. The thought of my oven being on that long is just yuck.
I could have used this idea years ago. That looks yummy! Happy SITS Day.
Love this! Our biggest grocery store tussle is in the fruit roll up aisle! 🙂
Enjoy your SITS day!
Since we live in bloody hot Arizona, we just stick the pans outside with a window screen over it to keep the bugs out. Yeah, we’re classy like that.
that is SO awesome and simple!!! We will be trying this when the weather cools down…a fun treat for school lunches! Happy SITS day, sistas 🙂
Thanks! I wanted a recipe without apples (which most of my fam is allergic to) and this is great!
Thanks so much for this. I’ve wanted to make it for a long time but thought I couldn’t because I don’t own a dehydrator. I’ll be giving it a try now.
This is such a great idea 🙂 I love the fact that you didn’t use a ton of sugar and it can be made overnight 🙂
Happy SITS Day 🙂 I’m off to peruse a few recipes 🙂
what a neat idea! Even as teens, I bet my kids would enjoy this in their lunch. Hope you are having a fantastic SITS day! Going to go look around some more!
What a wonderful idea! How long does it keep?
How did I not know this until now!!!!! Goodbye spending money on natural fruit roll-ups. I love this post 🙂
Thanks for this!!! I can’t wait to try it! Happy SITS day!!
I can’t wait to try this out! happy SITS day!
Thanks for the recipe, I’m going to try this!
Nice combination of text and photographs. Enjoy your SITS day.
Wow, this is GREAT!! I never even thought to make this on my own, or even knew where to begin.
OH WOW, that looks fairly easy and very healthy. I’m going to try that.
This looks so easy and I think my son would love it! I can’t wait to try it out. Happy SITS day a day late!
What a great idea! Looks like a terrific addition to a school lunch box.
ohh! that looks really good!!
Dang, my oven doesn’t go that low. Drat. Happy SITS day, belated!
Holy Cow! So excited about this simple recipe! YUM! Happy sits!!
Love this idea!! I will have to try it sometime!!
That DOES look so easy! And yummy! My oven doesn’t go that low either BUT!…I do have a food dehydrator so we’re still “cookin with gas”! Thanks for the recipe!
My ovens lowest temperature is 170 !! Now what? Any suggestions? Doing this in the dehydrator is a bit messy….I’d prefer oven if possible.
170 should be Ok. You probably don’t have to leave it in as long and you should probably check it often.
I am trying this now, my oven only goes to 170 also. I am going to let it be for a couple of hours but then maybe keep the door open a bit. How can you tell when it is done?
When it looks dry and pulls up from the pan it is done 🙂
I make about 75 sheets of fruit leather in the summer. We have wonderful fresh fruit from our farm for free. I keep it simple. I have a magic bullet, fill it with fruit add 1/2 tsp gelatin, 3 tbs apple juice concentrate, one tsp (4000 mg vitamin c) powder, blend it, put saran wrap on a cookie sheet, pour the mix on it, bake it in oven for about 10 hours and when it is dry, roll it up and put in a zip lock bag and the shelf life is two years. My family loves this and it doesn’t last more than thru the winter. All natural and our favorite is the plum family. We have four different plums and we even mix them. Have fun mixing the fruits. If you are in a warmer climate leave 4″ of Saran Wrap on the end and as soon as it holds it shape, hang them on the clothes line to finish drying. About half way thru.