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Make your own ornaments

Something my mom and I used to do a lot when I was younger (and pre-kids) was paint Christmas ornaments. It's really simple to do and MUCH cheaper than some of those fancy shmancy ones you can purchase. Here is what you need: GLASS ornaments (trust me the plastic ones don't work) Acrylic paint Add a few drops of paint to the inside of each ornament Roll the ornaments carefully around to get the paint to cover the entire inside Allow each ornament to dry upside down and the excess paint to drip out You can stop there and hang them or you can glue pretty ribbon to the tops of the ornaments...it's really up to you! … [Read more...]

Fun Stuff Fridays (#4)- 3 weeks long for the holidays

Remember when Linkys were all the rage in blogging? They were a great way to find and get to know other bloggers before social media and Pinterest became mainstream. It didn't hurt that they brought a ton of traffic to your site too. Lindsi and I started our Fun Stuff Fridays linky back in 2011. We kept it going for 20 weeks before it fizzled out (or we got sick of doing it, I'm not sure which happened). It is now soon to be 2017 and at lot of the links in those linkies no longer exist. Plus, I've let my link up subscription lapse so you can't get to them anyway. Instead of deleting the Fun Stuff Fridays posts, however, I have decided to clean them up and make sure our featured links are still valid. After all, on a rare occasion I get traffic from one of these old posts. The linky may be gone but the featured posts are still valid as of December 2016... Welcome to Fun Stuff Fridays. We had over 200 submissions last week and we were blown away! We are so impressed by … [Read more...]

Origami Wreath

I was blog hopping the other day (yup, I'm a rabbit) and saw some really neat tutorials for Origami projects. One that really struck me was a tutorial for an Origami Wreath. I just happened to have a bunch of Christmas themed 12" x 12" paper laying around and I thought I would try to make a wreath with my oldest boy. I had to play around quite a bit because the tutorial was in Japanese (I think) and the measurements were in metric, but I think you could say our wreath was a success! (He...OK, I, didn't want to stop making them!) Here is what you will need to make an Origami Wreath of your own: 12 sheets of colorful paper (pattern and print of your choice) a ruler 1. Carefully mark each sheet of paper on the back side. One line should run horizontal 5 inches from the bottom of the paper, 2 other lines should run vertical about 5.4 inches from each side. Like so... 2. Fold two of the corners down to the lines as demonstrated in the photo. 3. Fold the … [Read more...]

Santa Trail Mix

Pintrest- you've probably hear of it, and if not you probably live here... it's a rock...in case you can't tell If you're not on Pintrest and would like to be then shoot me an email and I will be happy to send you an invite (it's exclusive like that). I saw a great idea for a Christmas trail mix on that site and I though to myself "self, that is some tasty looking mix! You should make some and add your own jazz and spice to it." My kids were happy that I had that conversation with myself because it sure is yummy! Here's what you will need: 2 cups of red and green M&Ms 1 cup of dry roasted peanuts 1/2 cup of Craisins or other dried fruit 2 cups of Chex cereal (I used the rice version) Pretzels (holiday shaped ones are best) Bugles mini marshmallows coarse sugar 1 package of red melting discs (candy aisle) 1 package of green melting discs (same aisle) 1 package of white chocolate chips (or almond bark) Shortening Assembling the Santa … [Read more...]

Candy Cane Vase

My oldest (5yrs) and I really love candy canes. If I am being 100% honest with you (and I always am) I purchase boxes and boxes and boxes of candy canes every time this time of year comes around. I love to eat them and decorate with them (and he does too!) This year we made a fun and really easy festive vase for our table out of candy canes.  Here is what you will need: a glass vase (either square, rectangle or circle- a vase with a neck doesn't really work for this) some holiday ribbon candy canes low-temp glue gun Gage how much space the candy canes will take up and use the remaining amount to fill in with ribbon. I used ribbon around the base of the vase. We kept our candy canes wrapped to avoid sticky fingers (and sneaky licks). Using a low temp glue gun apply a ribbon of glue to the candy cane (not the vase- it will harden before you have a chance to apply the candy cane). Once you have covered the vase with the desired candy canes attach a bow around … [Read more...]

Reindeer pops

      Have you ever wondered how people made those adorable cake pops? (You know, the cupcake-like treats on a stick). Well here you go! Let me first preface this with "it is NOT like you thought." Both Jamie and I originally thought that somehow you baked the cake batter into ball shapes by using molds. NOPE! First thing you do is to bake a cake according to the box directions (or if you are a show off you can make a cake from scratch "insert eye roll here"). Once the cake has completely cooled you cut the cake into quarters and take each quarter and crumble it. Once you are done crumbling it, it should look like this:   After crumbling the entire cake add 3/4 of a can of frosting to the cake and stir. Roll into 1inch diameter balls and place on a cookie sheet. Refrigerate the "balls" overnight. Cover them with wax paper to keep them from drying out.   Once the cake balls are chilled insert some sticks into each ball.     Carefully melt your chocolate in a double … [Read more...]