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Pipe Cleaner Firework Painting

Last week Tottie and I brought you hand print firework painting.  This week, Nutty and I bring you Pipe Cleaner Firework Painting!  Yes, we’re all about celebrating the 4th of July at my house!

pipe cleaner firework painting

Nutty had a ton of fun making these despite the fact that she doesn’t like getting messy lately.

To make your own, you’ll need:

  • Paint
  • 4-5 Pipe cleaners
  • Black construction paper
  • Paper plates
  • Scissors (optional)
  • Glitter (optional)

pipe cleaner firework painting

1)  If you are only making “one color” of firework like we did, fold 4 pipe cleaners in half and twist the together at the folded edge about half-way up.  If you are making “more than one color” firework or have more than one child painting, cut 5 pipe cleaners in half and then twist them together about half-way up.

2)  Spread the untwisted ends apart equally.

3)  Pour paint on paper plates making sure to spread the paint around the plate and not leave it in the middle.

4)  Dip the pipe cleaners in the paint on the plates using the twisted end as a handle.  You may have to use your fingers to push down the pipe cleaners into the paint.  (Don’t ask why I didn’t get a photo of this step)

pipe cleaner firework painting

5)  Put your paint filled pipe cleaners on the paper like a stamper using the twisted end as a handle.  Again, you might need to use your fingers to press down the pipe cleaner onto the paper.  Turn the pipe cleaner just slightly and press down on the paper in the same spot to add more “arms” to your fireworks.

6)  Once you have enough fireworks on your paper, sprinkle them with glitter to make them sparkle!

How do your kids make fireworks?